Growing Carrots from Seed

Not only are carrots good for you and fun to grow, their fern like leaves look delightful in the garden.

Carrots seeds are best planted directly into the garden bed where you intend to grow them. They generally do not do well if transplanted. Choose a sunny position, this will allow the carrots the sunlight they need to grow quickly.

It is important to have a loose, rich, sandy, free-draining soil, free of stones, that the carrots can easily grow through. 

Sprinkle your carrot seeds in very shallow furrows in your soil and lightly cover. Water in well.

As your seedlings grow, harvest some baby carrots thus thinning the remaining ones to around 10cm spacings.

In a couple of months the remainder of your home grown carrots will be mature and ready to eat. 

Don’t forget that carrot leaves are also edible. Add these nutrition packed leafy-greens to salads or soups. (Remove the leaves from the roots immediately after harvesting to lengthen the storage life of the roots).

Cooler weather suits carrots thus, in the southern parts of Australia, plant in early spring/autumn, or grow over winter in the subtropical regions.